Quick Facts About Music Lessons
What the statistics say
According to a recent Gallup poll:
- • More than half of U.S. households (52%) has at least one person, age 5 or older, who currently plays a musical instrument
- • 85% of Americans believe that music is a very important part of their life
- • 82% of Americans wish they had learned to play a musical instrument, and 67% expressed an interest in learning to play
- • 94% of respondents believe music is part of a well-rounded education, and that schools should offer instrument music instruction as part of the regular curriculum
- • 85% believe participation in school music corresponds with better grades and higher test scores
- • Seniors are turning to music making as not just an enjoyable pastime, but also for the health and wellness benefits such as enhanced immune systems, stress reduction, and staving off depression and loneliness